Home » Lab Equipment Supplies » Phlebotomy & Blood Drawing Chairs
Patients often find the blood drawing process to be a stressful one. The goal of the lab tech is to make the patient feel at ease while completing the blood-drawing procedure. The phlebotomy chair, also called a blood drawing chair, contributes to both – patient comfort and technician access. The chairs enable a patient to sit up or recline while placing an arm on an armrest. A steady arm makes it easier for the technician to find a vein in the arm or hand and promotes safety by limiting the possibility of the patient moving the needle during the procedure. In addition, the blood drawing chair places the client in a position that limits vein flattening.
Varied Types of Blood Drawing Chairs
There are many styles of phlebotomy chairs, enabling hospital laboratories, clinics, nonprofits, medical schools, nursing homes, drug testing facilities and nursing offices to find a style that best fits the type of clients served. Options include:
Some phlebotomy chairs are a single height, some have leveling feet, and some have a foot pedal for height adjustments. Power phlebotomy/ENT chairs have a power hi-low and power backrest for ultimate patient and technician convenience. The power chairs also have fully electric reclining capability. The power blood drawing chair offers the most versatility in terms of positioning.
Choosing the Right Blood Drawing Chair Style
The ideal phlebotomy chair offers optimal patient comfort and patient positioning that enables the technician to draw blood samples as quickly as possible. The type of chair selected is influenced by factors like budget, expected frequency of use and the type of clients.