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Surgery Rasps

Surgery Rasps: Sculpting to the Bone


Surgery rasps are important tools for surgeons. One specific type, bone rasps, also known as raspatories are specialized instruments. They are a surgeon’s choice when performing specific tasks involving deformed or misshapen bones.


The Function of a Surgical Rasp


The function of a rasp is simple. Whether it be a nasal, bone, gallaher or foman,  all rasps serve the same purpose.  They provide the surgeon or other medical professionals – including dentists, with the ability to easily and quickly address issues affecting bone surfaces. A rasp allows them to:


  • Form
  • Sculpt
  • Shape
  • Trim


Depending upon the model and its design, they perform delicate and precise work during surgical and orthopedic procedures.


Designs and Models


Surgical rasps are available in diverse models and styles. They are often procedure specific. As a result, you find rasps designated as cleft palate or nasal rasps. The models may be:


  • Barsky
  • Putti
  • Aufricht


Moreover, some are for intensive reshaping while others are only suitable for mild sculpting. Depending upon the specific purpose, some are double-ended. They can also possess more than one flat blade. Surgical rasps have either coarse or fine ends. The choice of end, as well as whether it is in an upward or downward design for cutting, is critical in performing the designated action on the bone or bones. Materials for these devices vary. Steel remains the most common choice, but the specific alloys vary. The top three are:


  1. Chrome plated steel
  2. Nickel coated steel
  3. Stainless steel


All metals are capable of easy and fast sterilization for repeated use.


When Choosing a Rasp


Selecting the proper bone rasps for a surgical procedure involves complete comprehension of the intended application. It requires the ability to know:


  • Size
  • Density
  • Extent of reshaping, forming, trimming and other similar requisite actions


Above all, the rasp must be suitable to both the intended use and the surgeon’s skill.