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Rolling Walkers For Enhanced Mobility
For many people with back, neck or spinal cord injuries, injuries to the legs or even seniors that just have trouble with mobility, rolling walkers can provide the additional support needed to ensure they can live independently. Often moving around both indoors and outside is a huge issue and one that really can limit an individual's ability to be on their own. Rolling walkers offer options for mobility for those that just need a bit of support and assistance in managing items while they are mobile to those that need a great deal of help in getting around.
Rolling walkers are not new in the mobility field, however the newer styles and models of rolling walkers offer additional features and safety devices that make them a great option for most people. Like any type of mobility assistance device they are durable, strong and all have to meet specific safety standards in order to be marketed. Rolling walkers come in a variety of weights, styles and designs, allowing each individual to find the walker that best meets their individual requirements. They also come in two, three or four wheel options, so trying out at least one model from each style is a good idea to determine what model type is best for you.
There are several options that individuals considering a rolling walker need to consider. The first and foremost is getting the correct size of walker as this is both a safety issue as well as a comfort feature. Typically walkers are divided into two sizes, adult and youth. Youth sizes are typically for those under about five foot three inches, while adult sizes are for those that are taller than the five foot three mark. Different manufacturers may have slightly different size limits, so it is important to check each model for recommended height. In addition weight can also be a factor, especially if the individual is more than two fifty to three hundred plus pounds. Always check the manufacturer's maximum weight capacity for any rolling walker.
Ergonomic handles and seats are an important consideration on rolling walkers, especially for those individuals that will be using the walkers for extended movement and time. Foam padding, shaped hand grip areas and easy to reach brake and release features are a real asset to this types of models. In addition seats that are the correct size for the individual as well as those that have some padding and built in support through design and padding are also a great additional features and well worth considering.
Since most of the rolling walkers will have some adjustment for height of handlebars and seat, measuring and setting up the walker before using is important. Always adjust to the correct position, then have the individual try it out and make any required adjustments at that time. Most adjustable features have locking buttons or easy to use fasteners that ensure the bars and seat will stay locked in the correct position. For individuals that are very petite, those that are taller than six feet or those that are heavier than the standard sizing, customized rolling walkers are available through several different manufacturers.
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